Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Heist Society

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Some Girls Are...and some girl's aren't??

Monday, June 28, 2010
The Dust of 100 Dogs

Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Big Empty

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010
Third Warped Musing
I was reading the book The Sky Always Hears Me And The Hills Don't Mind the day before I had my audition at UWF and the night I got home I had this very odd dream. I couldn't remember all of it but what I did somehow made me connect the book and what happened before my audition. I kept thinking "why do this sound so familiar?" I thought about how I was sitting there waiting for my audition and I kept going over my monologue and kept going up to where my mom and friend were waiting and kept coming back down, and one time I came back down wearing a different shirt, pretty early on actually, and this guy started talking to me. He told me how I was going to do great and I had nothing to worry about I knew he was a musical theatre major and I told him how of course he'd say that, he's not only a guy auditioning for theatre but also for musical theatre!! It's not like there are a ton of guys comfortable enough to sing and act!! At the time I didn't think anything of it, but I realized he'd been on the campus tour with me and went to FTC with me as well!! Then it dawned on me that (if I get accepted) I'll be seeing him a LOT next year as well!! For some reason my brain connected this to The Sky Always Hears Me And The Hills Don't Mind when it came to Morgan and Rob!! The thing is, someone asked me "who do you like right now?" And I had to seriously think about it, not knowing who, and turning out there wasn't any!! Then I thought of this random nice guy I met, the one who's name I didn't even know, and realized that maybe the reason he kept smiling at me and reassuring me was because he thought that when I see him in the fall he'll remember me and I'll remember him and not only will I have already made a friend, but an important one since I'll be so involved in theatre and so will he. So in a way (no matter how weird) my brain connected how Rob and Morgan worked together and ended up a couple and so somehow with enough time apparently my brain says so will this guy who's name I don't know and me. The saddest part is that I only know he's from Miami and what school he goes too!! I don't even know his name!! What's even worse is that he knows mine (and how to pronounce it correctly) and what area of theatre I went out for...including my private tour of the theatre that blew me away!!! This theatre is AMAZING I can't imagine going anywhere else!! It is just PERFECT for me!!
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Fade Out...Morganville Vampires #8!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010
Demon Princess: Reign or Shine

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Kissed By An Angel

Saturday, June 19, 2010
The Everafter

Friday, June 18, 2010
Second Warped Musing
Last night around 11:56 EST I finished the MASSIVE book This Is All by Aidan Chambers. I had started this book in August of last year, then in about October, after stopping several times to read other books, I just quit it altogether, I was about halfway through and just frankly got bored. Then a week or two ago I picked it up and read about twenty pages, instantly interested again. Though I stopped and read something else again and again. But after I finished other books I would read a few pages (well more then a FEW) and eventually just got so sucked in that while reading another book, whenever that book got to be to heavy in the sadness department I would pick up This Is All and lose myself in Cordelia's world all over again. It got to be that I HAD to finish the other book I was reading, so the moment I was done I picked up This Is All and went to town. I managed to finish half of book three, all of four and almost all of five by the time I needed to "go to bed" last night. Then, since I just couldn't sleep, I stayed up and read until 11:56 PM EST and finished This Is All. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Partially because I just didn't want it to end, and partially because it was just the saddest story I had ever read. This book (not including the afterword and glossary) is 808 pages. In every since line of text you learn something new about the way Cordelia thinks. You learn something about life, or love, or relationships, or friendship, or about why girl's behave the way they do, you learn something in every line. I have read books that are "sad" or "heartbreaking" but NONE even begin to compare to this book that I have read. It may be because I relate to Cordelia when she's younger and sometimes when she's older, or because I have never been able to know a character as well as Cordelia, but I think the main reason why this book touched me in such a distinctive way was because Cordelia felt more real then any other character, it felt like you were reading words from a real person. To me at least. I know for a fact that I have never cried with such abandon or as hard as I did during the entire sixth box of this book, except for the very last page, page 808. When I got to page 808 my tears had finally stopped flowing (as well as my nose THANKFULLY) and as I read the last words it felt as if the book had finally come full circle, it was finally, truly over, in ways no other book has ever been. You know exactly what happened to Cordelia, and you know nothing can ever change it (though she's fictional) and by page 808 you had accepted the fate that had befallen her and you had your closure (or whatever you want to call it) and you felt GOOD again, because you finished it, because it was over, but most of all, because nothing could have changed it, nothing could have happened differently, and you went through all stages those silly stages, and accepted it. Once and for all. "To live is to remember, to die is to forget."
Thursday, June 17, 2010
The Lonely Hearts Club

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Swoon...I sure did!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The Secret Year

Monday, June 14, 2010
Captivated By Captivate!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Undead Much?????

Saturday, June 12, 2010
Dreamland...who's been lately??

Friday, June 11, 2010
First Warped Musing
So I never realized just how hard it would be to make a header and a background and make sure everything look REALLY good on your blog. THANKFULLY I had a BIT of help along the way from my awesome step-sister who has her own blog and websites from experienced bloggers. If you couldn't tell by now, I LOVE books a LOT, they are one of my favorite things and besides my cats and dogs, and friends and THEATRE they are my LIFE!!! So of course last night I stayed up until THREE in the morning finishing this AMAZING book called Fat Cat by Robin Brande and t came out in Oct. 2009. I have to say, at first I didn't think I would LOVE it, I know I shouldn't judge books by their cover but I did, and I was SOOOO wrong!! This book was awesome. It follows this girl Cat, o her journey to no only lose a LOT of weight and compete in the Science Fair at her school, but to discover why she felt the need to go on a kick butt diet. It may seem odd at first glance but is DEFINITELY worth reading!! I loved how a lot of people in high school today can relate to Cat, since our whole society struggle with weight and appearance everyday!! This book hits home for a ton of people, not only or weight issues, but also because so many people (girls and boys alike) struggle with liking themselves daily. High school puts a TON of pressure on EVERYONE, from appearance, to grades, to how you act, so many things!!This book really shows how to overcome your fears and just be yourself, since that's the only way you're going to like who you are.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Lost Summer

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Dirty Little Secrets...we all have some!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Envy...somebody's green with it
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