Though this book was published back in 2004 (wow, it feels so long ago sometimes!!) it kind of pertains to what we are involved with right now. A lot of conspiracy theorists are afraid of a "super virus" that will kill over half of the population, and they think that the government is cooking it up right now or something silly like that. The thing about this book is that for anyone who has read or watched Stephen King's
The Stand knows that there are fears of a super virus and this book more then just puts it perspective for the reader. This book occurs about a year after the virus Strain 7 killed three quarters of the human race. This book follows seven teens through the abandoned zones through the Big Empty to the secret community of
Novo Mundum. On the way each teen somehow or another meets up with one another and some even fall in love (or out of it) with each other, causing some serious tension in some places, and their journey really shows how life could be if this ever happened. I loved this book as well as the next books in the series. It was suspenseful as could be and had a
great story line that was easy to follow and kept you extremely interested the whole time. Overall grade A-
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