The first Sarah Dessen book I ever read was an ARC copy of Along For the Ride. I really enjoyed it, then I read a few of her other books and realized that most of the time they have a very common factor. A girl find this quiet, shy boy, or the guy people want but can't have bad boy types, and ends up with them. Every time. Dreamland however was different. Caitlin got the boy in the beginning. She may have landed a drug dealing psychopath but she still got him. While reading about Rogerson hitting her though, I couldn't help but think about how almost every girl has been used, abused, or something of that sort by a guy. Every time a guy cheats, doesn't call, dumps us, something like that, the poor girls of the world experience just a slice of what Caitlin felt. For those who have been abused, whether physically, verbally, or whatever else, they knew why she never said anything, they knew why she never spoke up. The thing is this wasn't one of her best books, it was good and hits home for a lot of people, but it just had parts in it that could have been better. Mainly because she was still in love with Rogerson all the while he beat her. He was a psycho and yet she kept with him, and she let him beat the snot out of her over and over. Overall I'd give this book a B-
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