When I began this book I didn't know if I was going to really enjoy it, but overall I really did. It was a fantastic novel and I cannot WAIT to read the sequel!! This book started off strong, and only grew in intensity leaving you with a heart clenching cliff hanger. It follows a brilliant Harpist Deirdre
Monaghan and the mystical boy she meets Luke Dillon. Caught right alongside her is her best friend James. When she gets caught in the crossfire of faeries Luke is there to save her, or is that really what he wants to do?? Deirdre wished her summer was less dull, but maybe she's getting a bit more then she can handle. It only gets worse when the sinister faerie
Aodhan shows up, thirsting for Deirdre's blood as well as the beautiful Eleanor another of the deadly Faerie Queen's minions. The plot thickens even further when James as well as Luke go missing, leaving behind blood, Luke's car, and a strange concoction of Deirdre's grandmothers.
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