The reason I picked this particular movie was because I am a Greys Anatomy lover. I am in LOVE with that show!!! I watch it EVERY SINGLE Thursday PLUS (almost) everyday from 6 to 9 on Lifetime. I just LOVE syndication. Anyways, the REASON for picking the movie Watchmen was because Jeffery Dean Morgan (The Comedian) in Watchmen also played Denny Dukett on Greys Anatomy and was one of my favorite ARC characters. So, without further ado, Watchmen. First off, I'll start with the GOOD things. The score (music) of the movie was FANTASTIC!! If I could grade a movie on JUST the score this would be one of the only movies to EVER receive and A+, however, I can't. So, the other good things about this movie...the guy who played Rorschach was quite good, I really enjoyed his character. as well as Jeffery Dean Morgan as The Comedian, and not just because of Greys Anatomy, I didn't even regocnize him the first time I tried to watch the movie. Also, Ozymandias did a fabulous job and I really liked his character, even though he wasn't in there much till the end. So, now on to the bad things. Silk Spectre 2...well, no offense to Malin Akerman, but your character was slutty and stupid, I really just didn't like her at all. And sadly, a LOT of people agree with me. I had to try THREE TIMES to watch this movie all the way through, then when I finally did, I watched the directors cut, which added about a half hour to an already TOO LONG movie. There were some serious issues with the violence in this movie. It seemed to be there just to satisfy the males in the audience, I'm not being sexist, it's just true. I also believed that hiring a bunch of B-movie actors to play for a (shoulda-been) A-movie did not go over all that well. This movie had a TON of potential, but failed to follow through. Parts of this movie were good, parts of it were actually pretty funny and quite good, but overall, this movies good parts didn't overcome the bad parts. So...I guess I have to give a grade now...well, sad as it is since some VERY good actors were in this....overall grade....D-
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