This story didn't hit home exactly, but it did have some similarities to my own life, which made this story an even better book then I originally thought. Francis is now living with her adoptive parents and having a pretty alright life. The thing is, she didn't use to be Francis, she used to be Shine, and she lived with her three sisters and her birth mother Afton
Jelks. That was before Afton had a psychotic break and tried to smother all her children. She almost succeeded, since only Francis escaped. Her mother went to prison for her crime, but now she's out and she wants to finish what she started. Francis meets Nix, this all around pretty much perfect guy...which kind of got annoying at times, since he just seemed TOO perfect sometimes. Francis dealing with her past as well as her new mother and father, plus her birth mother being released is obviously the main problem, which was great, it was interesting and not easily solved with just the push of a button, Francis had to really face her demons to overcome them. There were alternate chapters, some in
Fireless where she was Shine, and others in the present where she was Francis again. This really helped you understand why it was so difficult for Francis and how she came to be who she was. This story was one I truly enjoyed and would definitely read again. So, overall grade...A-
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