Jenny Valentine is like a breathe a fresh air in the reading world. That is what I thought the entire time while reading Broken Soup. Not only is this book set in London, but it is written differently from almost all other books I have read, especially lately. In a time when writing quality has dropped significantly, Jenny Valentine shows that it is possible to be a great writer and pack a TON of content into a semingly small book. When I picked up Broken Soup I thought it would be just another easy read but I was very mistaken. Broken Soup took very real parts of life like grief, love, sturggle, and turned it into something incredible. Her story started with a negative of a photo that she didn't even know existed, and ended with and incredible journey that leaves you wondering just how well you really know those around you. This story follows Rowan from the time when a beautiful stranger, the mysterious Harper Greene, the New York wanderer, gives her a negative, to when she meets Bee, the girl who she thinks her dead brother Jack would love, had he lived long enought to meet her. This book starts off strong and follows through to the end. It starts of as though it will be a story of self-worth and ends as a story of self-loving and just so much more. This story makes you realize that you have it better, that you can be, do, are better then you may ever realize. So, overall grade...A.
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