Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fifth Warped Musing

Well...I received some VERY exciting news today!!! I got my COLLEGE ACCEPTANCE LETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was ECSTATIC!!!!! I had some (TOO MUCH) trouble sending transcripts and such, and FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY I GOT IT!!!!!! I had heard that I had a good shot and all, but to really RECEIVE IT!!! to GET IT AND HOLD IT IN MY HANDS is something else entirelly. It was one of the best moments of my life. The funny part is I kind of always knew that I would end up going here. I have dreams of one day going to Chicago and then to Las Vegas to work on doing Lighting Design, but this letter just makes it feel so much more tangible, like if I can make it there I can make it anywhere kind of. I know that my dreams (winning a technical award from the Academy) seem silly and might never happen, but to have that hope, and to take steps to reach it, it just makes you feel so whole and so filled with joy. I know that I sound CRAZYYYYYY, but I'll bet that one day I will not only get to Chicago, but also to Las Vegas to do tech work. I have walked around for almost an entire day at a Theatre Conference with my hair in curlers, and that was nothing, so going to Chicago will be even less nothing....it's the studying part and getting a job that might be tricky. Thoughhhhhhh, if I improve my writing skills who KNOWS what might happen!!! If Tina Faye could make it through Second City by Stage Tech and Writing, well....I'm already halfway there!!!! Also, I noticed that there are a TON of books out there with "Dark" in the title. I know that's extremelly RANDOM, but I did, I can think of three off the top of my head...plus I KNOW there are DEFINITELY a lot more then that out there. It's just so strange to see how the work Dark fits into the story, since the three I thought off are all so, well, different.

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