When I read this book I felt like brain matter was slowly leaking out my head. It was not exactly boring me to death, it was just predictable that I could tell what was going to happen from the very beginning. The book just laid everything out and was just to predictable, I hated how easy it was to tell what was going to happen to her and to the people around her.
D'Arcy's dad died. We get it, it's hard, but also, the characters were
SOOO inauthentic!! There were a lot of problems with this book, like the ending was extremely unclear, and most people couldn't really follow what was going on. The ending was supposed to be sad but it actually ended up just being annoying. I was
wayyyyy to glad for this book to be over. The timing kind of sucked, and sadly I don't really
remember all that much that went on in this book, because nothing EVER WENT ON!!!! All that happened was D'Arcy kept griping about how her father was dead, we get it, and how the police believed it was a suicide and how she doesn't know what would make him do that. We get it, she's depressed. That doesn't make this book any more
believable or any better. I usually don't trash books, but this one deserved it since it was just a bad book. Something I practically NEVER say!!! So....overall grade....D.
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