The first thing that comes to mind when I think of this book is that it is just so heart-warming and funny. It may be kind of an easy read, but it did not disappoint. From beginning to end you just want the best for klutzy Callie. She is this kind of geeky girl who is just trying to fit in with the popular girls on her high school trip to London. To show that she is one of them she goes out and buys a pair of fabulous Prada heels. Then, being the klutz she is, she trips and falls, and lands in 1815!! Callie meets Emily, who thinks that Callie is her long-lost friend from America (which she kind of is, except for the time thing) and Emily's cousin, Alex, who is not only a hottie duke, but also an arrogant jerk!! Callie and Emily become fast friends, and Callie learns that Emily is in a horrible engagement, even though she is in love with someone else, and Callie starts thinking up ways to save Emily. Plus win Alex's heart, AND not fall on her face and land back in her own time before she can fix everything. Alex may seem arrogant at first, but you quickly learn just how sweet he can be...when he wants too. The biggest problem I saw, was the build-up. Once you got used to Callie in modern times, she was sent to the past, once you got used to the past, she was sent back to modern times. This book is a fun-loving story that will have you laughing at Callie's antics while you root for her to come out on top...overall grade...B-
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