Before reading this book I had heard very good things which made me REALLY want to read it, I also now REALLY REALLY REALLY want to read the sequel as well. This book starts off with a great start where Phoebe's mother tells her that she s getting re-married and they are moving to Greece. Phoebe had just won this huge race that pretty much guaranteed her a full athletic scholarship to
USC. It continues to where Phoebe finds out that her new step father is part God, that's right GOD. Like Zeus, Hera, Apollo, etc. Super cool right?? Well Phoebe doesn't think so, and she doesn't believe him at first either, until she sees a demonstration of his power after her new (somewhat evil) step sister uses them on her to snap her backpack strap that incidentally hits her in the face instead of Phoebe. Phoebe them meets Griffin. He's this amazing guy who's even on cross country, the problem is that he happens to a huge jerk, which this awful girlfriend who immediately hates Phoebe. Phoebe doesn't really fit in at her school since she's the only person who isn't descended from a god. There she meets two new people who end up becoming good friends with and after one or two times where she
accidentaly lets something slip to one of her best friends back in California, she seems to start getting the hang of things...until it seems that she may be falling for Griffin. Overall this book is very good and it's such a cute novel you just can't put it down. So overall, I'd have to give this book an A-
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