So I recently went to see the awesome action packed movie From Paris With Love. This movie starts not only John Travolta who I loved in many films, but also one of my personal favorites, Johnathan Rhys Meyers. You may recognize him from the popular showon Showtime The Tudors, or August Rush, or a few other hit films, but this movie is without a doubt one of the best I have seen lately. It starts of a little slow, but as soon as John Travolta's character, the gun totting, wise-cracking, trigger happy Charlie Wax walks on you know you are in for a real treat. Rhys-Meyers character, James Reese is an uptight personal aide to the U.S. Ambassador in France who is also a low-level agent for the CIA. He meets Wax who is to be his new partner, earning him the chance to be a real agent, not just the guy who switches license plates anymore. But when he meets Wax, it is nothing like he expected. Wax takes James on a white-knuckled ride through Paris, saying at first that they are hunting down drug dealers who killed the Secretary of state's niece. James quickly learns that it is much more then that, it is actually about trying to stop a terrorist attack on all the Consulates of the world. It is soon after that James realizes he may be in deeper then he thought, especially when he finds pictures of himself all over an apartment Wax has just finished terrorizing trying to find the leader of the possible attack. James has been romantically involved with a French women Caroline for the last six years and when she sees him and Wax in an elevator with a hooker she gets the wrong idea, making James want to desperately go home to her and explain things. This movie has something for everyone, the shoot 'em up thrill that most like, the romance between Caroline and James, the silly comedic ways of Wax, and the brain busting thrill of finding out...who really is behind it all? This movie was one I truly enjoyed, though definitely not one you could bring children to. But, with that said, overall grade...A-
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