I tried REALLY hard to like Wings. I REALLY did. I finished it and will read the sequel as well as the third book...I think. Since the sequel Spells comes out in May I figured I should review Wings but there were a few
issues I had with this book. The problem with Wings was that the first twelve chapters or so have three things happen. One is Laurel and David become best friends. Two is Laurel starts growing this "thing" out of her back that are (obviously) her wings. The third thing is that she moves 45 minutes away from her childhood home. Well, number three happened first, but it doesn't really matter. The problem with this book is that after the first twelve chapters the NEXT twelve chapters seemed crammed in and it's seems almost as if she just RUSHED through it all so she could start working on the next book!! I can't exactly say this book was BAD per say, but it wasn't great and it was only KIND OF good. I usually LOVE faerie books, but this one was really hard to love, actually, it was hard to even LIKE very much. I liked parts of it, like the character
Tamani, not the love triangle, it felt to similar and over done, but the character himself was kind of cool. Though David, I didn't really like in parts. I didn't like how he just accepted what Laurel said and just believed like it was no problem!! I hate to give this such a bad review since it wasn't BAD, it just wasn't all that great...so overall grade...C???
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