Honestly, this book rocked!! I cannot WAIT for the sequel, and I LOVED how (and I know everyone says this!!) this book had some major differences from all the rest of the vampire novels out there. This time, all the vampires who are born are human until they are sixteen. Thats when their body either dies, or is given vampire blood and it survives for the rest of it's life as a full blown vampire. In this book Lucy's best friend Solange, she's not only about to be a vampire, but is also the only female born vamp living currently. So of course, there is a prophecy, and it talks about how a female born vapire to the Drake clan will take over and unite all the clans. Well, Lady Natasha (who is kind of leading the clans) is PISSED!!!!! She wants revenge of the worst sort, she wants Solange DEAD and wants to...
eat her heart?????? Well, Lucy isn't having any of that!! Lucy however, cannot stop thinking and wanting Solange's older brother Nicholas!! Solange has seven brothers and she had to go after the one who she fights with constantly?? Well, now that Lucy has a crush, Solange does too, on one Kieran Black, who just so happens to be a vampire slayer who is looking for revenge of his murdered father. Then, he starts to fall for Solange as well, but not before drugging Lucy with Hypnos to let him free. This is a wild tale about love, anger, more love, fighting, and a heck of a lot more!! Overall grade...b+!!!